Have you ever questioned if your website meets all the rules in Croatia? Even if the internet does not have boundaries, each State protects their consumers. During the Black Friday craziness, the Croatia State Inspectorate has sent an important message to the consumers that buy online.
“The merchant is obliged to inform the consumer in a clear and comprehensible manner, among other things, about its name and Business Seat, telephone number, e-mail address, and other means of online communication that enable the storage of time and communication on a permanent medium, the name and Business Seat of the merchant on whose behalf and/or for whose account he acts as well as the address of his place of business or the address of the place of business of the merchant on whose behalf and/or on whose account he acts.”
The required Company details such as Company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address should be mentioned on the website.
To make it easy to fulfill all the responsibilities, we have prepared instructions.
The Website needs Company details to be visible, clear and understandable.
If you would like to have a Business Seat in Croatia, feel free to contact us. We offer the service of Business Seat, but we are also Registered Agent inserted into the Croatia Company Register. We also have partners that we can connect you with. Our partners are top lawyers and accountants in Croatia.