The Croatian Bureau of Statistics issued The Analysis of the Nautical Market in Croatia for 2022. Last year we reported the Analysis of the Nautical Market in Croatia for 2021…
We created a concept of an One Stop Shop for all the companies that need or want to have a LLC Company in Croatia. Most companies that want to establish…
During 2022 and the first quarter of this year, the world economy was faced with the challenges of rising prices of goods and services, often in double-digit amounts. Inflation has…
On Wednesday started the 30th International Boat Show in Zagreb. The Show is taking place at the Zagreb Fair from 22nd to 26th February 2023. For LetterBox, Zagreb Boat Show…
Zahvaljujemo organizatorima Biograd Boat Show-a na odličnoj organizaciji i gostoprimstvu, te našim starim i novim partnerima. Uvjerili smo se zašto je BBS stekao međunarodnu popularnost među izlagačima i posjetiteljima. Predstavili…
LetterBox u svoju ponudu uvodi novu vrstu usluge u obliku paketa za sve koji žele svoje plovilo staviti u charter menadžment. Da pojednostavimo: od vlasništva do charteringa uz One stop…
Zadovoljstvo nam je objaviti naše sudjelovanje na 24. Biograd Boat Show, koji se održava od 26.10. – 30.10.2022. Naš cilj odlaska na sajam je predstaviti naše usluge, približiti se našim potencijalnim klijentima…